Save Animals With A Single Scan

Share your results with friends on social media and also share your concern or praise with the company itself. Companies that still choose to test on animals will get the message that Cruelty-Cutter users are against what they are doing! This will help collect data to bring to these companies in the future to show that the public is not interested in supporting companies that continue to use animals when it is not needed. The more shares, the more Doggie Dollars you earn towards coupons for cruelty-free items!

Cruelty-Cutter is cruelty-free shopping made simple! Cast away any doubts when purchasing items by using Cruelty-Cutter to scan an item and have an immediate response about its animal testing status.

Cruelty Cutter: NG
Cruelty Cutter: OK
Instant Results

Scan product barcodes and instantly learn if the product is cruelty-free!!

Take Actions

Bite-Back” by posting to social media sites of #CruelCompanies.

Get Connected

Connect with friends and help build a cruelty-free community!

Be Informed

Stay up-to-date with animal welfare issues, including ways you can help.

Dogs Used in Labs Each Year
Cats Used in Labs Each Year
Animals Used in Labs Each Year

Activism 101

Boycott companies that test and tell them how you feel about their testing policies with a simple click, using our Bite-Back feature. Encourage others to shop cruelty-free by sharing, and perpetuate cruelty-free shopping by supporting ethical companies!

Cruelty Cutter App

What People Say

Cruelty Cutter Testimonial
I absolutely love this app! I noticed the other day that it now indicates when a brand is owned by a company that tests on animals which I VERY much appreciate because I do not consider those brands as cruelty free and will not purchase. Great update to a great app!
Katie Anne
Cruelty Cutter Testimonial
The app make it so easy to shop cruelty free and CF products are not really that much more. After living with my two beagles, I could never support companies that hurt animals.
Cruelty Cutter Testimonial
I downloaded the app and will start using it. Great teaching tool for my kids too. Thank you for making me aware the app is available.
Judith Benen
Cruelty Cutter Testimonial
Only cruelty free products allowed in our house! We love this app, and use it on products at the grocery store, Ulta, and even Home Depot.